A third financing option is preference shares, one of whose principal qualitative advantages is no diminution management's interest in corporate growth or voting power (assuming that non-voting preferred stock issued). Also, any new equity sale requires the company to offer shares to preferred stockholders first to maintain their pro rata interest. This limits the flexibility to bring in new shareholders to influence operation systems. Meanwhile, preferred stock is always subject to the right to common stock conversion with its potential diminution of voting power and control. Likewise, 51-67% of preferred stockholders are required for sale, merger, liquidation, sale of shares with more privileges, issuance of debt over dollar amount, and increase in board size.

Midland Freight should be financed through long-term debt in conjunction with, the sale of $50 million in bonds. This debt alternative provides a $2 million tax shield, higher earnings per share and market price ratios, a...
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