Clearly there is an addiction problem here in Orange, Connecticut, and one can safely assume the same problem is persistent in Orange, California, and Orange, Florida. Pew Research reports that one in three teens sends more than 100 text messages -- a day! That's more than 3,000 a month! Girls are more text-friendly than boys, as the average texting girl sends and receives an estimated 80 text messages a day (compared with boys who send and receive 30 texts daily), according to Pew Research.

Technology Addiction specialist Dr. Hilarie Cash in Seattle explains that the "instant gratification of getting a text back floods the brain's pleasure center with the mood enhancing chemical dopamine," which leads to addiction. Some students interviewed by Dr. Cash report "withdrawal-like symptoms" if their phone's battery dies or they do not get text back quickly from someone they care about.

Doctor Michael Seyffert treats teens for...
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