When requested to leave the premises the defendant refused to do so and proceeded to assault the security officer by throwing a beverage at said officer and then, subsequently, slapping the same officer. The defendant was detained by the store security and arrested by the local police.

Victim's Statement

George Petrie, the chief security officer for Publix, states that his employer would like to see the defendant punished for his actions against his staff. Based upon the defendant's actions and statements, he is concerned that the defendant has no intention to comply with this Court's dictates.

Defendant's Prior Record

Juvenile Record

Petty theft; Disorderly Conduct; Criminal trespass

Adult Record

Petty theft (shoplifting)

Personal History

Defendant has admitted to drinking alcohol on a regular, perhaps, daily basis. He denies the use of any form of non-prescription drug usage. He does admit to the recreational use of marijuana as a juvenile but...
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