
Screening using sigmoidoscopy usually results in minimal discomfort as it's quick, biopsy is possible in some cases and cleansing of the colon is not detailed while on the other hand it's disadvantageous in that only the lower colon and the rectum is viewed, minimal risk of perforating the lining of the colon and other procedures maybe required if problems are detected Services, 2011()


Colonoscopy allows for the viewing of the whole colon and rectum plus performance of biopsies is also possible while the risks of perforation are present, the patient in most cases is sedated, colon cleansing is necessary and not all tumors may be detected. Virtual colonoscopy just like colonoscopy allows for the viewing of the rectum and entire colon and there is no risk of tearing the colon since there is no insertion of instruments Services, 2011.

The test may however not detect all tumors, require...
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