HPV Vaccine

Rogerian Argument

HPV Vaccine GArDasil

HPV Vaccine Gardasil

HPV Vaccine Gardasil

HPV Vaccine Gardasil was licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration licensed in June 2006, prevent infection from four human papillomavirus (HPV) types, two of which case cervical cancer (Cox, Cox, Sturm, & Zimet, 29). Gardasil was prepared by Merck pharmaceutical company. The company started its campaign to make Gardasil mandatory after the introduction of the vaccine. "Papillomaviruses (PVs) make up a vast family that is comprised of hundreds of viruses that affect the epithelia in humans and animals and that can cause benign lesions known as warts or papillomas, which can occasionally progress to cancer. Cancer of the uterine is caused by HPV, primary types 16 and 18, as well as a dozen other "high risk" HPV types which infect the genital mucosa" (Campo & Roden, p.1,214). The current essay is about the opposition and...
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