
Many people believe the word "assertive" is a synonym for "aggressive" and that is not the case. Assertiveness also has been misunderstood to mean something like pushiness, or even bullying. The actual meaning of assertiveness relates to a person taking into account one's own personal rights and the rights of others. "Appropriate assertiveness" is an important skill, according to the book Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment (Zastrow, et al., 2009). Assertive communication can involve verbal and nonverbal behavior, and it allows the speaker to make points "…clearly and straightforwardly"; as an assertive person, you have the right to "stand up for yourself without unwarranted anxiety"; you have the right to express ideas and opinions "openly and honestly"; you also have the right "to be wrong," and to "not be liked by everyone" (Zastrow, p. 312).

Reflective Account on Being Assertive

My midwife / nursing position in the...
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