Hurricane Katrina Disaster Evaluation

Review the Final Paper instructions in Week 5. Develop a thesis statement and outline, and identify at least five sources you intend to use for the Final Paper.

Develop a thesis statement. The thesis statement will be the point or claim you argue or prove in your paper.

9/11 and Hurricane Katrina Disaster Evaluation

9/11 and Hurricane Katrina Disaster Evaluation

Hurricane Katrina and the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks should never be forgotten, nor should the victims that were involved in these tragedies. Katrina, the storm that smashed into the city of New Orleans in August 2005, became to be known as one of the deadliest hurricanes in United States history. There were around 1,836 mortalities from the killer storm. The Sept. 11 campaign was the most dangerous terrorist incident in the history of the United States beside Pearl Harbor in 1941. Up until this day, 24...
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