Grilling Hamburgers

One of the things I pride myself on is my ability to grill. Whether it is steak, fish, ribs, or whatever else, I feel that I am an experienced griller and that my abilities are top-notch. When grilling food, I never use propane gas but always use Kingsford charcoal. I find that this particular charcoal is long lasting, provides an aromatic smoke which translates into a savory, smokey flavor in the food. I start off by lighting the grill, using lighter fluid to soak the charcoal until I can smell that it has been saturated. Then I light the charcoal and stand back, allowing it to burn. For this essay I will describe in detail how I like to grill hamburgers, using as many sensory descriptions as possible.

First off I always like to have fresh ground beef and can always tell by the color of the meat....
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