Stevens, 2010)

Critique of a Literature Review: Obesity Prevention Interventions for Middle-School Age Children of Ethnic Minority: A Review of the Literature

Are the search strategy and the search criteria clear? What is included in the search criteria?

The research strategy and search criteria are clearly outlined in several sections of the literature review paper. The author identifies the "search terms" and "purpose" of the review in the abstract of the paper. Stevens declares that the literature was searched for key terms related to the purpose of finding, "interventions to reduce obesity in middle school-age children of ethnic minority." These terms are: "African-American, Hispanic, intervention prevention program, middle school-age children, Native American, obesity, review." In the "Methods" section, the author elaborates on the search strategy by listing the databases that were used to find research papers and defining the time frame (September 2008 -- November 20008) of the search. The...
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