Personal Success Plan

Personal success begins with determination and the utter most desire to achieve something in the coming time. This also includes chalking out plan for a long-term career-growth and shedding some sprinkles of reality on one's dreams and aspirations. As Stephen Iscore (1998) thinks, "You are here for a purpose; God doesn't just make extras to fill in the scenery" (para.2). Having a clear mind set is very necessary to polish-up one's talents and hone any further skills which are required for the accomplishment of a successful career. One has to determine of what specific goals he or she has to achieve and then dedicate one's self into the attainment of those goals with unswerving singleness of purpose like the trenchant zeal of a crusader (Meyer, 2011). This discussion will elaborate on the role of tools, techniques and experiences one may have to concentrate deeply on to augment...
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