American Musical Genres: Rhythm and Blues

Rhythm and Blues, or R&B, is an American musical genre largely attributed to the African-American community. Originating in the 1940s, the term was first used by record companies to describe recordings "marketed predominantly to urban African-Americans," at a time when "urbane, rocking, jazz-based music with a heavy, insistent beat" was becoming increasingly popular (Palmer 5). Though the genre has evolved dramatically since its inception, certain terminology, instruments, and musicians have remained constants in looking at this genre's history, providing reference points and insights into a style of music that has continued to resonate with audiences for decades.

While the term R&B has shifted meaning from decade to decade, sometimes referring to genres ranging from rock music, blues and gospel to soul and funk, and contemporary R&B, rhythm and blues has become a blanket term for style of music as broad and diverse as the...
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