Chemical Dependency, Particularly Alcoholism, Within the History Of Psychology

Since the dawn of humankind, people have been experimenting with various chemicals for recreation, to alter their conscious state for religious purposes, or for medicinal applications. Indeed, a vast cornucopia of pharmaceutical preparations has been identified over the millennia that provide modern healthcare consumers with remedies for many human ailments, and more are being developed and identified every day. Used properly and under the supervision of healthcare providers, these chemical substances can deliver analgesic relief, reduce fevers and inflammations, cure diseases and much more. Used improperly, though, the abuse of many chemicals, particularly alcohol, has been a plague on humankind since fermented berries were first discovered, creating the need for timely and effective psychological interventions today. To gain some additional insights into the history of psychology as it relates to chemical dependency in general and alcoholism in particular, this paper provides...
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