Vision Statement

A Culture of Learning: New Mexico Junior College

In modern day America, the focus on being a hard-worker, making a lot of money, and being socially popular are considered essential to achieve a certain standard of political and economic success. Many Americans still hold the concept of being wealthy only in the financial sense; and thus the spiritual element remains withheld entirely from academic, intellectual, or other "mind" pursuits (Elias 2008). The separation of mind (intellectual pursuits), body (practical, Calvinistic matters), and spirit (the examination and appreciation of meaning) has seriously degraded the average American's ability to use their intuitive, creative reasoning powers to keep their cold, systematic reasoning capabilities sharp, elastic, and progressive. As a result of this causation, the American public is largely anti-intellectual, and so are its students. Through nurturing student interest in internal, versus external, issues, the hope is to eventually change the reason...
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