Childhood Obesity

Imagine living as an obese child. What are the trends with this phenomenon? Will he or she discover a way of changing his or her lifestyle? These children have a number of issues that arise because of this occurring at such a young age, which one will investigate further.

In the United States, childhood obesity has become a health problem. "The number of adolescents has tripled since 1980 and the prevalence among younger children has more than doubled. 16% of children age 6-19 years are overweight" (ASPE, 2011, para 1). Those that have this problem are predominantly that of minorities. For example, those that are African-American as well as Mexican-American from the ages of 12-19 are more likely to become overweight by 21-23%; however, 14% were those who were non-Hispanic white teenagers. From 1992-2002, "another 15% were at risk of becoming overweight. Those that are 5-18 years old,...
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