Harriet Tubman: the Making of a Hero

There are people who are way before the times that they are born into and must live in.

A shining example of this is the woman Harriet Tubman, who led the Underground Railroad in the mid-1800's, freeing over 70 people in her 13 trips to the south. [1]

What was it about this remarkable woman that gave her the strength and courage to risk her life time after time, and then to help so many others to find their freedom also?

Let's look at the key characteristics of this person, to find just what she was made of:

Her childlessness.

She did not have children with John Tubman in their 4 yrs. Of marriage.

"we do know that her childlessness greatly increased her chances for successful escape and made her later Underground Railroad and war work more easily possible." [2]

Her determination not...
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