Kill a Mockingbird Scouts view innocence beginning, middle end a multi-Paragraph 2 chunk 1:2 ratio. I a requirement sheet faxed emailed . Thank Zoanne Gray [HIDDEN]

Scout's view of innocence in "To Kill a Mockingbird"

The central character in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout, is initially an innocent girl. The fact that she does not associate the low social status of black people in Maycomb, Alabama, with them being discriminated by the white community is essential proving this. This contributes to the belief that she is innocent, considering that she cannot possibly consider that people's nature can be so immoral. Although her father taught her in regard to life and concerning what would be best for her to do, he did not relate to society's problems and to their seriousness. Her innocence is reflected through the fact that she is curious about who is leaving presents to her...
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