Nursing Informatics

Imagine learning within one's organization that medical records are becoming electronic and additional training is needed. Will one react in a positive or negative manner? How long does it take to implement technology? What current statistics are available in this matter? Nursing-informatics is a growing field of study that deals with ethics, effects of implementation, shaping medical performance, nurse patient communication as well as the advantages and disadvantages in this elucidation.

Nursing informatics is the "integrating the triad of computer, information and nursing sciences" (Nursing-Informatics, 2011). Since the change of technology, management seeks to understand how computers process all the necessary nurse information. This is done through "human processing of data, information, and knowledge within a computer system" (Nursing-Informatics, 2011). In other words, patient information is put into a computer, and it becomes an electronic medical record for medical personnel to access anytime the person is in the...
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