Nursing Theory: A Microscopic Perspective on the Theory-Practice Gap


A paradigm in nursing theory exists today that equates nursing theory to a mirror, a microscope or a telescope. Meleis talks about this equation of nursing theory to a mirror, microscope, or telescope (2007). According to Meleis nursing theory that is like a mirror will reflect reality, but give it different shapes. Nursing theory that is like a microscope will focus in on a part of reality or magnify it, which may or may not be within the context of reality. And, nursing theory that is like a telescope will bring faraway objects and events into closer view. When searching through the literature for articles about nursing theory one related phrase comes up frequently along with this search. That phrase is, "theory-practice gap." For example, "Tackling the theory-practice gap in mental health nursing training," (Evans, 2009); "Theoretical vs. pragmatic design...
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