Space exploration he Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated Texas 2003 return Earth. The Challenger exploded shortly launch 1986. An Apollo 1 spacecraft imploded fire launch pad 1967. In case, lives crew members lost. The hugely complex shuttle a bit airplane

What are the pros and cons of manned space exploration from an ethical perspective? Should the U.S. spend billions of dollars to return an astronaut to the moon?

During the Cold War, manned space flights were a powerful symbolic image of the success of the U.S. space program. For the Russians to send cosmonauts into space and the Americans to send computers would have been an admission of defeat, a sign of inferiority of the U.S. government. Also, the computerized technology of the 1950s and 1960s was far inferior to what is available today. However, now that the Cold War is at an end, the question remains: why explore the cosmos...
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