business-to-Business marketing environment and critically analyse them, with special reference the UK market in Europe

Identify the major trends in the business-to-business marketing environment and critically analyse them,

With special reference the UK market in Europe

Of the many trends in Business-to-Business (B2B) marketing, the most significant are social media, the continual growth of globalization, supply chains, outsourcing, green marketing and data driven marketing. Taken together these trends are completely redefining the platforms, programs and strategies of B2B marketers throughout the UK and Europe. The intent of this analysis is to provide insights into each of these trends and illustrate how B2B marketers can make the most of the opportunities they provide.

Social Media's Rapid Ascension and Its Impact on B2B Marketing

Social networks are redefining B2B marketing strategies faster than any other trend included in this analysis, as the collection of these applications are defining customer relationships. Instead of...
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