objectivity readers a prerequisite reading novels? 2) monster a formal device shelley's Frankensten? 3) How convince a -hater a -lover? 4) -stop horror Marlowe, conrad's heart Darkness? 5) Pamela, In Richardson's Pamela, metaphor " ' binary opposition ' versus '? 6) Discuss 'tme' a major thematic device 'Of Love Demons' 7) How shepherdess teach Santiago, " Alchemist," -love? page answere.

Getting involved in reading a novel initially means employing a great deal of objectivity, given that one cannot simply come up with an opinion regarding a text before actually reading the respective manuscript. When reading a novel, the reader needs to acknowledge the fact that viewpoint expressed by previous readers are nothing more but interpretations. In order for the reader to form an opinion regarding the novel, he or she first needs to ignore any outside factors and engage in reading the text.

Novel's separate readers from one another because...
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