Hendrix's most powerful performance against the war occurred during the closing day of Woodstock in 1969 in which his rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner" featured "screaming rockets and exploding bomb guitar effects and sounded like a heaving, wounded monster about to die."

It is speculated that much of the disillusionment about the war was grounded in the tangible aspects of the soldiers' environment in Vietnam, and the popularity of protest songs were a reflection of the hopes, fears, and experiences of those soldiers.

Others argued that protest songs were demoralizing; Les Claypool found that they were "a source of oppositional ideology, songs like the Animals' 'We Gotta Get Out of This Place,' may have contributed to the demoralization of some of the troops in Vietnam."

Soldiers had access to radio broadcasts, tape recorders, and stereos that received transmissions from Radio Hanoi, and other underground radio stations that were run...
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