The poor is stereotypically painted as haggard and lean and the wealthy CEO (and so forth) as fat and obese, for his very indolence and lack of sluggishness makes him so.

Personal counter argument

To arrive at conclusions on any major issue, credible research must be conducted based on scientific, authoritative, empirical evidence. Such, too, must be done in this case and so, inquiring into reasons for the dramatic increase in obesity in America over the last few decades, empirical studies point to factors that include the following: an over-abundance of food availability in America's supermarkets and restaurants, particularly fast-food restaurants (World Health Organization, 2000); the uncontrolled or unreasonable portion-sizes in America's restaurants (ibid); an increase in consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas and sweetend food (Bray, 2004); and an over-abundance of high-fat food choices paired with a lack of palpable low-fat choices all of which may be more accessible to the...
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