("Stock Portfolio," 2011)

What stocks performed the best and worst?

The stocks that performed the best include: EFX, MCD, AAPL, SBUX, PETM and GMRN. The positions that were underperforming the others include: MSFT, AXP, TIF and JPM.

Stocks for given portfolio were selected randomly what would you've done differently?

There would have been a focus on having firms that pay higher dividends and growth. This is when the total returns in the portfolio will be higher in comparison with other strategies.

What factors and why are they important when choosing stocks?

The factors that are most important when choosing stock are the earnings and dividends. The two elements will help everyone to quickly see the underlying strength of the company in comparison with other firms.

An Examination of the Companies in the Portfolio

The different companies that were selected as a part of the portfolio strategy are involving diversification across...
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