CQI is often seen as more forward- or futures-based compared to TQM, which is more of a series of techniques and initiatives to unify an organization around a common theme of quality and performance to customers' expectations (Lonial, Menezes, Tarim, Tatoglu, Zaim, 2010).
Unique Contributions To Quality Each Provides
TQM is ideally used for enterprise-wide shifts in strategy to be more quality and customer-driven while CQI is more oriented toward a specific process or strategy area where statistical analysis can be used to define parameters and predict an outcome based on improving quality. Of the two, CQI can deliver more immediate impact within a healthcare organization as it defines a specific strategy within a given process area. TQM on the other hand is better for redefining an entire corporate culture and making it more quality-based (Talib, Rahman, Azam, 2011).
Implications for the Quality of Health Care
CQI is best suited...
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