Iulus, on the other hand, represents continuity. The continuity of the Trojan race, the continuity of his father's bloodline, and the continuity of the mission to establish the Roman race in Italy.

Amulius and Numitor

The brothers Numitor and Amulius, descendants of Aeneas and Iulus, continue the establishment of the Roman race. Numitor, the King of Alba Longa, is overthrown by his brother Amulius overthrew him and took the throne. The story revisits the Aenean theme of familial piety. Amulius violates the code of piety by throwing out his brother and King Numitor. However, familial piety is restored when Numitor's grandsons Romulus and Remus reinstating their grandfather Numitor as king of Alba Longa after killing the offender Amulius.

The story of Numitor and Amulius is also marked by the themes of integration and disintegration. Amulius represents the theme of disintegration . First, he partitioned the brothers' inheritance into two parts,...
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