When Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution occurred, Russia was primarily an agricultural country with many of its people being little more than poor agricultural workers. There was little sign of an impending industrial revolution.

When Lenin came into power and held the position of head of government, he began to implement some of his socialist ideologies. In 1918, the Russian Constituent Assembly was dissolved and enabled the Bolsheviks to consolidate their political power. Prior to this consolidation, in 1917 the Cheka was formed. Created to defend the Russian Revolution, the Cheka began to clamp down on voices opposed to the Bolshevik party, taking control of newspaper content and ensuring no defamatory articles were written about the Cheka. As was always his intention, Lenin sought to introduce the world to his revolutionary ideas and in 1923 he looked to the Third World as the focus of his revolution. He praised China's socialist values...
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