Dhimmis (minorities of other religions) participated as equal citizens in this renaissance and Muslim scholars made more scientific discoveries during this time than in the whole of previously recorded history (Goldschmidt & Davidson, 2007). The break between the Shiis (those who considered Ali to be legitimate ruler of the nation) and the Sunnis (those who revered Muhammad and all four rashidun) occurred during this period. Mystic Islam (best known as Sufism), or esoteric groups were born during this period as well as Muslim philosophy.
Today, approximately 80-90% of Moslems are Sunnis whilst 10-20% are Shiites. The key difference between Sunnis and Shiites is that Sunnis believe that the first four caliphs were rightful successors to Mohamed and that caliphs should be chosen by the whole community. The Salafi sect (otherwise notoriously known as Wahabbissm) is an extreme Islamic movement derived from Sunnism. Shiites, on the other hand, believe in the...
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