Much like the assertion of Dusty Lavoie earlier in this paper, Simone Knox believes that "…little detailed analysis has been offered on the film" (Knox, 2010, 1). Knox takes care of that problem with a long essay that, in the end, compares "Seahaven" with Disneyland. But along the way Knox affirms the artistic legitimacy of The Truman Show, adding that the film does "not ask the audience to work out (along with the protagonist) that things are not quite as they seem" (9). Because in film, things rarely are "as they seem" and that, after all, is the point of art.


Art does imitate life, and when a film is made that is so shockingly creative and mysterious -- and like Tolstoy explains, also has a moral tone to it -- it is most assuredly art. Whether or not all film is art can be left up to the...
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