Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

Company Overview

For a time, Martha Stewart and her company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (trading on the New York Stock Exchange as MSO) was best known for the brief imprisonment of its founder, namesake, and very public face due to insider trading convictions (Yahoo 2011; Brown & Rhodes 2011). Both Stewart and her company have more than rebounded form this debacle, however, and the long and almost entirely successful career of this cooking, crafting, and business wizard has hardly been affected by this isolated ordeal (Brown & Rhodes 2011). After building a moderate name for herself in the 1970s as a woman of taste who knew how to put on a party, from providing food to making the decorations, Stewart struck a publishing deal and in 1982 released Entertaining, which built her into a household name over the next decade (Brown & Rhodes 2011).

The Martha...
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