Your initiative in merging activities between Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), Conservation International (CI), and the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation (HKL Castle) and in creating the Fisheries Enforcement Units will help sustain Hawaii's ecological, economic, and cultural well-being (as your yourself pointed out) in ensuring that valuable marine stock are responsibly fished and managed.

You are correct in presuming that the key to protecting Hawaii's fisheries is effective enforcement of laws, and that if you take care of the ocean will take care of you.

Healthy fisheries are important for local fishing communities, for aside from protecting the fish, we are what we eat.

Just as we are what we eat, the fish are too. And in a never-ending ecological cycle, our actions impact the state of the water, ipso the fish drink that water, ipso they become contaminated, and, again, ipso the food that we eat contaminates...
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