Robinson Crusoe and Individualism

The adage "no man is an island" always holds true because humankind has always been a social being. By belonging to a group or society, individuals are expected to abide by the collective norms and behaviors thereto. Although individuals are assumed to follow the standards of the group, there are those who chose otherwise and demonstrate individualism, believing in the core importance of the individual and having self-reliant and independent behavior. To some groups or societies, individualism is shunned and members who show this trait are considered pariahs. Others though value individualism because it promotes innovation and creativity. Several great works of arts, scientific inventions, marvels of technology and engineering, and breakthroughs in other endeavors were the result of individualism; thus, heralded by collective society that benefitted from these. Daniel Defoe's The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, published in 1719, would not have been one...
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