The mayo clinic recommends that she limit her total fat to 20 0or 25% of her daily calories. Since fat has 9 calories a gram, this amounts to about 400 to 700 calories a day. She should replace the turkey and beef with unsaturated fats from healthier sources such as lean poultry, fish and healthy oils, such as olive, canola and nut oils. She should limit deserts, and fatty meats. Josephine should also be cautious of the meat served her by her mother, which is likely a source of saturated fat. She should replace that with either monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are found in unsalted nuts and seeds and in certain healthy oils such as canola, vegetable, and olive oils.

She is also recommended to watch her cholesterol intake. Cholesterol comes from animal products and excessive cholesterol can result in heart disease and stroke. Josephine is recommended to cut...
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