Education -- Self-Directed Learning Issue

Section I-Self-Directed Learning:

(1) What is the connection between self-directed learning in what and how we learn?

According to Knowles, self-directed learners typically learn more broadly (i.e. they learn more things); they learn more effectively; they bring a higher level of motivation to learn; and they tend to retain and apply what they learn more than do people who learn through more formal or traditional means. In the most general sense, self-directed learning is a form of active learning, and therefore, more effective than traditional learning processes that rely almost exclusively on passive learning. More particularly, Knowles also suggested that self-directed learning is more consistent with the overall direction of adult psychological development in the sense that it is an aspect of self-sufficiency and self-responsibility.

(2) Can or should all learning be self-directed, why or why not?

No. Effective self-learning generally requires that learners be...
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