(Boger 3 -- 15) (Murrin 67 -- 159)

Discuss the origins of colonial North American slavery. Compare and contrast eighteenth century slavery as it existed in the Chesapeake, in South Carolina and Georgia, and in the northern colonies. How did differences in regions, crop cultivation, and personal skill create opportunities for varied experiences among enslaved Africans? How did enslaved Africans use cultural retentions to preserve their humanity and to implement a distinct culture in America?

In the Northern colonies, slaves were less dominant. The reason why is because, the weather conditions and products that were being produced did not require individuals that were used to working in hot conditions. This is different from the South (i.e. The Chesapeake, South Carolina and Georgia), as they had warmer conditions and grew crops that required large numbers of people (cotton). The best individuals for this kind of work were considered to be Africans....
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