Juno does everything in her power to destroy Aeneas; yet he survives. The Homeric heroes had the luxury of divine help to complete their heroic missions.

Another important factor is Aeneas' family. Aeneas' first loyalty was to his family. Despite all the odds against their survival, Aeneas makes nothing short of a heroic effort to save his family from the violence of the conflict they face. He succeeds in saving his father and son, but his wife is lost. While he is unable to complete the self-assigned tasks of saving Priam and destroying Helen, he is nonetheless able to recognize and accept good advice when it is presented to him. It is not personal weakness that disables Aeneas to save his wife or prevent Priam's murder. It is simply the circumstances that surround him and to which he must submit. The same is true of Juno's rage. Aeneas has no...
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