Some treatments may actually help with the disease.

Diets and dietary supplements

Eating vegetables like broccoli and spinach may help older women [and probably men] retain some memory abilities later on, while avoiding obesity in middle age lowers the risk of later Alzheimer's disease in both sexes, new studies suggest." The effect of the vegetables probably comes from the antioxidants and B. vitamins they contain (Ritter, 2004).

Herbal remedies and other dietary supplements are often promoted as effective treatments for Alzheimer's disease and related diseases. Claims about the safety and effectiveness of these products, however, are based largely on testimonials, tradition, and only a small body of scientific research. The rigorous scientific research required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is not required by law for the marketing of dietary supplements (Imperial, 1998).

Some of these dietary supplements are Coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinone, an antioxidant that occurs naturally in...
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