Zigler, and Muenchow 4)

The part of the program that most stuck with Shriver was the fact that the program proved that it could actually increase the IQs of mentally handicapped children, significantly with the proper implementation of programs, a concept that was not accepted in academics at this time. (Zigler, and Muenchow 11)

The program used the same materials as a traditional nursery school, but in a manner designed to stimulate attitudes and aptitudes necessary for later school success. For example, the children loved to ride tricycles, but were only allowed to do so if they asked for them properly and identified the particular tricycle they wished to ride. Later on, the teachers set up the tricycles in a miniature traffic situation. The children learned to respond to traffic signs and to play traffic officer.

Zigler, and Muenchow 5)

One of the programs Shriver patterned Head Start after also...
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