As she points out, researcher Leonard Hayflick realizes the difference, and notes that ending aging and curing signs of aging are two very different issues. According to Hayflick, even if all causes of disease and signs of aging were cured, the human being could only extend life by 15 years or less. This is because, while signs of aging may be reduced by such products as Relastin Skin Revitalizer™, the aging process itself is not actually altered (McCarthy, 547). Hayflick states, "Aging is an inexorable process that begins at about the age of 30 in humans and continues indefinitely" (McCarthy, 547). Clearly, then, a reduction to wrinkles and an improvement in skin does not actually alter the aging process.

So, what is the selling point of products such as Relastin Skin Revitalizer™, which promise only a youthful appearance? McCarthy believes the issue is related to the drive not for long...
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