Gregor believes and sustains in his works that fascism was the truly revolutionary doctrine of the twentieth century, representing a model for dictators in the Third World countries. Fascism, rather than Marxism, represented the model for dictatorships demanding liberation from foreign dominance and wealth redistribution. Fascism appealed at patriotic feelings and at national pride, but it was still an ideology of dictatorship.

The true model that applied the fascist ideology into a political program was Benito Mussolini, who used the relevance of fascist theories in Italy when the fascists came to power in 1922. According to Gregor, fascism is best pictured by Mussolini's program, who used the opportune moment of economic downfall, of domestic disputes and external hostility to introduce the fascist platform.

Italian fascism is not, according to Gregor, the ideal system of belief - it represented an ideology that was not less irrational than other revolutionary ideologies of...
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