"Embryo cloning is the technology that would make the creation of eugenically engineered 'designer babies' commercially feasible." (Darnovsky M. 2002) This also relates to the growing concern in some quarters that technologies such as stem cell manipulation can be subject to abuse. "Many disability rights activists argue that it is being used in a misguided search for 'perfect' babies, and many feminists voice concern about its use to satisfy 'gender preference'." (Darnovsky M. 2002)

There is therefore, from a religious point-of-view, strong objection to this new technology from many large churches, particularly the Catholic Church. From a conservative religious perspective stem cell research and the cloning of body parts are seen to be tantamount to saying that man can create himself instead of God. This means that man and not God becomes the creator; which obviously undermines the foundations of many of the world's prominent theologies.

Therefore many who are...
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