The five-factor model is a classification system of personality traits organized in five broad dimensions i.e. openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The model was derived from factor analytic studies of a large number of existing measures on personality traits, and has been established as generalizable across cultures (McCrae & Costa, 1997; McCrae & Costa, 1999; McCrae & John, 1992).


The leadership should reflect extra-version; this dimension represents the leader to be optimistic, assertive, and sociable. The leader should serve as intervening means of transmission, expression, or communication. Extraverted leaders are capable of exercising their influence in an assertive manner to communicate in an effective method.


The leadership requires the individuals to be disciplined, organized, and persistent. The leader should watch over or guard against carelessness, laziness and inefficiency. Conscientious leaders are consistently methodical, responsible, and thorough in their decision-making and activities.


Leaders are...
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