Imagery and metaphor were extremely important in Baroque works, and sometimes metaphors became their own metaphors yet again. This poem's images are strong, such as "the iron gates of life," and they create an elaborate and memorable work that is truly Baroque in style. Included are many natural elements common in life, like birds, gardens, and even the sun, which are also elements that point to a Baroque, romantic style.

Bernini's "David" is a fine example classical Baroque artwork. One element that is solidly Baroque is the power and movement of the piece. It is not static or frozen in time. "David" is active, getting ready to slay the giant, and this movement is quite representative of the Baroque style. So is the elaborate clothing David wears, while other versions were unclothed. Elaborate style is part of the Baroque era, and this statue is much more elaborate than any other...
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