Hubert Humphrey, Johnson's VP, announced his candidacy shortly after Johnson stepped down, and won the nomination during the Democratic Convention in Chicago. Humphrey chose senator Edmund Muskie as is VP running mate.

ISSUES of the CAMPAIGN (Republican Candidates) New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller ran in the primaries as a dove (anti-Vietnam) but Richard Nixon easily defeated him. George Romney also ran as a peace candidate, and was soundly beaten. California Governor Ronald Reagan also challenged Nixon, but not as a peace candidate, on the contrary Reagan talked tough on law and order in the streets. Nixon won the nomination and chose Spiro Agnew as his running mate.

American Independent Party) Segregationist Alabama Governor George Wallace ran for president on a conservative platform; he did not seriously challenge the major parties, but he did get a lot of votes in primaries by appealing to racist and conservatives who were upset at...
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