The largest difference exists in the basis of the Western holistic treatment and the basis of Ayurveda. Western holistic treatments are based on TCM or 'Traditional Chinese Medicine'. The key components of TCM are as follows:

Qi (pronounced like "chee") - this is the vital energy necessary for life (blood, body fluid)

Zang-Fu - the internal organs; and Jing-Luo: - this governs the meridian and collateral systems of the body. (Brown, 2001)

Practitioners of TCM also used a system referred to as "The Eight Principles" which are used to categorize illness or disease. These eight principles are comprised of "four pairs of polarities, including:



deficiency/excess; and Yin/Yang." (Brown, 2001)

These principles are stated to determine:

1) Disease location;

2) the nature of imbalance;

3) the presence of a pathological (disease) factors; and 4) the strength of the body's own energies. (Brown, 2001)

Summary and Conclusion

Ayurvedic medicine is...
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