Regardless of the infidelity of their husbands, upper-class wives were expected to be loyal, and daughters to remain virgin until marriage. Through seclusion and high regard for virginity, male domination reinforced the class structure of Cuban society during this period (Fernadez, 1998). Both Spaniards and creoles shared the notion that a man's honor and shame were directly linked to his ability to control the sexual behavior of the women in his family (Fernadez, 1998).

Besides preserving ladies from the threat of black men, keeping them at home ensured their chastity and their subservience (Fernadez, 1998). In this vein, ladies young and old were shut away like precious icons, the architecture of their houses reflecting their status as property that must be guarded, and their situation as virtual prisoners in their own homes (Fernadez, 1998). Windows needed to be kept open in order to air the rooms, but robbers and intruders...
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