He is taken outside, where the fresh air revives him. In this Chapter, K. suffers two types of defeat; first the defeat of his aborted sexual conquest that would ultimately be a victory over the Magistrate, and secondly the defeat of the air making him unable to go the Court offices. He is physically unable to be in the vicinity of the Court, and therefore unable to attempt to resolve his legal problems.

Chapter 4 is another abortive attempt to reestablish his ties with a lady. Fraulein Burstner lets K. know via Fraulein Montag that she does not wish to see him, and subsequently leaves, to make only one more appearance in the novel. When K. enters her empty apartment to look for her, he feels that he is doing something not only wrong, but also pointless. This pointlessness emphasizes the lack of meaning mentioned above.

Chapter 5 returns to...
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