Cinema Short Movie Series ($1M) - These cinema shorts would play right before feature films, and would include a story line featuring the Zap autos in several storylines. These would then be shown before the start of automotive-based movies.

Pre-emptive Web Marketing ($750K) - Starting by analyzing click stream data of visitors to the site and seeing if by reading their cookies if they have visited other competing sites, direct the prospect immediately to pages that show the advantages of Zap over the specific competitor they have visited. This area also includes analytics to define which Zap Auto is best to show the visitor to the site, and also the continual development of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies to drive up the Zap brand as an electric car in Google, MSN, and Yahoo searches.

Rich Media Advertising on Google, MSN and Yahoo ($750K) - Developing vehicle-specific rich media advertisements and...
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