One can assume from his writing that he wants his readers to be persuaded with his point-of-view and appreciate the accomplishments of George Washington (Kuegler). It is also believed that his secondary aim of writing the book is to give rebirth to politics of morals and ethics.

Monty Rainey. Book Review. Junto Society.


Thomas Kuegler. Review

All in all, one can say that his book represents dynamism, intellectualism and exceeding pleasure. As mentioned above, his book does not fully cover his life and works, however, it aims to bring alive the politics of those times so as to transform the hearts and minds of all those who read his book (Kuegler).

The most unexpected result of his book is the warmth it provokes amongst those who read it. It is clear that Brookhiser does not make an effort to create an acceptable image of Washington to the...
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