Thus, although hamburgers and fries are synonymous with 'comfort food' in America, in other countries, these food items are exotic -- also the pull of the 'whining' child has less clout than in America, hence the lesser popularity of Happy Meals and the greater emphasis on adult staples like beer. The idea of media violence in "Pulp Fiction" rather than "I'm lovin' it" shows how America is capitalizing on even negative or perversely, darkly attractive associations of American culture in other lands, as is the heart attack on a bun that the Japanese love to buy. Yet in the United States, McDonald's new campaign "I'm Lovin' it" caters to a more upbeat youth market and stresses health, athleticism, and wholesomeness. Americans do not need to be told that McDonald's is all-American, unlike foreigners, and one of the attractions of the chain is its uniformity, thus McDonald's seldom caters to American...
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